
I’ve published two books. Though they’re very different, both of them are about child abuse. The most recent one, published by Pay What it Costs Publishing, is an investigation into allegations of physical abuse in a family day care. The first examined the way child sexual abuse allegations are investigated and adjudicated in the various courts in which they land.

In Good Hands

In Good Hands is a book about the importance of safe day care. It’s also the story of one family day care that parents loved even after a baby died. They continued to drop off their children after a second infant died in the home. Doctors ruled that both children were victims of sudden infant death syndrome, but that didn’t stop the police from launching a criminal investigation.

The Battle and the Backlash

Child sexual abuse: epidemic or witch hunt? The Battle and the Backlash: The Child Sexual Abuse War was the first book by an investigative reporter that attempted to answer this question. It explained the unique challenges these cases present to the legal system, and then told the stories of actual cases that were decided in criminal, civil, and family courts.